§ 14-9-12. Elected members; and terms.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Candidates for the elected member positions shall file with the City Clerk a non-partisan nominating petition signed by not less than two hundred (200) signatures of qualified voters of the district and not more than four hundred (400) signatures of qualified voters of the district.


    The initial election after establishment of a Community Advisory Council pursuant to section 19-9-3(c) shall be held at the next general election in the city, as defined in section 2-105.A18 of the Charter, but not sooner than sixty (60) days after the date the Community Advisory Council is established. The five members elected at the election shall take office at noon on the first day of the second month after the election, and shall serve until noon, January 1 following the next regular city general election, as defined in section 3-105 of the Charter.


    All subsequent elections shall take place at the regularly scheduled four year municipal elections, consistent with city elective offices, and elected members shall serve four year terms until January 1 following the next regular city general election. Notwithstanding election to an initial term of less than four (4) years, an elected member may not be elected to more than two (2) consecutive four-year terms.


    If a vacancy occurs in an elected member position, it shall be filled by appointment by the City Council member elected to represent that district. The person appointed shall serve until an elected member take office. The election to fill the vacant position shall occur at the next general election in the City to be held not sooner than one hundred eighty (180) days after occurrence of the vacancy.


    Elected members are precluded from holding an elected office at any level of government, except the offices of Precinct Delegate and Citizens' District Council Member, while serving in the capacity of a Community Advisory Council Member. Under no circumstances shall an elected member of a Community Advisory Council serve as staff for the Mayor of the City of Detroit or as staff for the Detroit City Council, as defined by section 5-103 and section 4-120, respectively, of the Detroit City Charter and as classified by Step Code K of the Official compensation Schedule of the City of Detroit, while serving in the capacity of a Community Advisory Council member.

(Ord. No. 03-14, § 1, 4-1-14)