§ 1-1-8. Declaration of rights of residents and residential property owners.
Each Detroit resident and residential property owner shall enjoy the following rights, and it is the public policy of the city to recognize, respect and protect such rights:
The right of privacy, the right to choose his own friends and associates and to own, occupy and enjoy his property in any lawful fashion according to his own dictates;
The right to freedom from interference with his property by public authorities attempting to give special privileges to any group;
The right to maintain what, in his opinion, are congenial surroundings for himself, his family and his tenants;
The right to freedom of choice of persons with whom he will negotiate or contract with reference to such property, and to accept or reject any prospective buyer or tenant for his own reasons;
The right to employ real estate brokers' or representatives of his choice and to authorize and require them to act in accordance with his instructions.
Any person wilfully interfering with or denying such rights of any city resident or residential property owner shall be punished as provided in section 1-1-9.
This section shall not be construed to authorize any act otherwise prohibited by law.
(Code 1964, § 1-1-9)
Editor's note
The ordinance from which this section is derived was an initiatory ordinance, approved by vote of the people on September 1, 1964.