SubDivision A. In General
§ 2-6-91. Charter independence; duties; promulgation of rules.
§ 2-6-92. Limitations on board's authority.
§ 2-6-93. Composition of board of ethics; qualifications for members; terms; removal for cause; filling of vacancies.
§ 2-6-94. Limitations on partisan political activity by board members.*
§ 2-6-95. Funding and staff.*
§ 2-6-96. Public servants, contractors, subcontractors, vendors and licensees, and applicants for certification of eligibility for city contracts or programs, to cooperate with the board of ethics; obstruction to result in penalties; requirements to be incorporated into city contracts.
§ 2-6-97. Information provided to board to remain confidential.
§ 2-6-98. Annual report.
§§ 2-6-99—2-9-100. Reserved.
SubDivision B. Advisory Opinions.
§§ 2-6-101. Opinion request; requirements for filing.*
§ 2-6-102. Identity of public servant, former public servant, or an applicant or a candidate to be a public servant requesting opinion to remain confidential; waiver of confidentiality.
§ 2-6-103. Board precluded from taking action where request made in good faith, concerns past or current conduct, and public servant has conformed his or her conduct to advisory opinion.
§ 2-6-104. Disposition of opinion requests.*
§§ 2-6-105—2-6-110. Reserved.
SubDivision C. Complaints.
§ 2-6-111. Complaint; contents thereof; limitation of action.
§ 2-6-112. Retaliation and harassment prohibited.*
§ 2-6-113. Communications with the board regarding a complaint in the absence of the complainant, respondent, or his or her respective counsel prohibited; exception; reporting substance of prohibited communication.
§ 2-6-114. Running of limitations of action; processing complaints.
§ 2-6-115. Disposition of complaints.*
§ 2-6-116. Violations of article; board permitted to make public admonition and to refer findings; cumulative effect.*
§ 2-6-117. Reimbursement of reasonable attorney fees to a public servant.*
§§ 2-6-118—2-6-120. Reserved.
SubDivision D. Investigations and Notices of Charges.
§ 2-6-121. Authority; contents thereof; procedure; notice to public servant, contractor, or vendor.
§ 2-6-122. Running of limitations of action.
§ 2-6-123. Harassment prohibited; removal from board.*
§ 2-6-124. Communications with the board regarding an investigation prohibited; exceptions; reporting substance of prohibited communication.
§ 2-6-125. Conducting investigations; preliminary written legal analysis; notice of charges; scheduling hearing.
§ 26-6-126. Dispose of notices of charges.*
§ 2-6-127. Hearing procedure; decision.
§ 2-6-128. Violations of article; board permitted to make public admonition and to refer findings; cumulative effect.*
§ 2-6-129. Reimbursement of reasonable attorney fees to a public servant.*
§ 2-6-130. Reserved.