§ 4-1-1. Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
Aircraft means any contrivance, now known or hereafter invented, used or designed for navigation of or flight in the air, but does not include a parachute or other contrivance designed and used primarily for safety equipment.
Aircraft weight means the maximum allowable gross landing weight permitted by the manufacturer of that type of aircraft.
Airport means that facility known as the Coleman Alexander Young Municipal Airport owned and operated by the City of Detroit.
Based aircraft means all aircraft which are permanently hangared in the hangar bay, T-hangar or tie-down as a result of a current lease, or a current field storage agreement with the Department.
Commercial operator means a person or persons who, for compensation or hire, engages in the carriage by aircraft in air commerce of persons or property as defined in 14 CFR 1.1.
Department means the City of Detroit Coleman Alexander Young Municipal Airport Department.
Designated parking space means a space designated under a valid rental agreement in good standing with the Department, for an original term or not less than ninety (90) days for the parking of a specific aircraft owned or operated by an airport tenant.
Flight School means a school which is licensed by the Michigan Department of Transportation Aeronautics Commission, pursuant to Section 85 of the Michigan Aeronautics Code, 1945 PA 327, being MCL 259.1 et seq., at MCL 259.85, and which has a current lease agreement as a flight school with the Department.
Landing site means any flying field, airport, helistop or heliport, seaplane base or water area for the operation of float equipped amphibious aircraft, or any other type of facility from which or off of which it is intended to operate for flight any type of aircraft.
Pilot means any person who shall actually control an aircraft or be the only person in position to exercise control over an aircraft, beginning at the time when the aircraft is first boarded with an intent to move the aircraft under its own power and ending when the movement of the aircraft has been completed and the engine or engines of the aircraft have been stopped, even though such movement may not have actually resulted in flight.
(Code 1964, § 4-1-1; Ord. No. 21-04, § 1, 7-2-04)
Cross reference
Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-2.