§ 9-1-3. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:

    Abatement or abated means a measure or set of measures designed to permanently eliminate lead-based paint hazards and includes:


    The removal of lead-based paint hazards and dust lead hazards, the permanent enclosure or encapsulation of lead-based paint, the replacement of lead-painted surfaces or fixtures, the removal or covering of soil lead hazards, and all preparation, cleanup, disposal, and post-abatement clearance testing activities associated with such measures, which shall be performed by a state certified lead abatement firm;


    A project for which there is a written contract or other documentation which provides that a person will be conducting activities in or to a residential dwelling or child-occupied facility that will result in the permanent elimination of lead hazards or that are designed to permanently eliminate lead hazards;


    A project resulting in the permanent elimination of lead-based paint hazards, conducted by a person certified pursuant to the Michigan Lead Abatement Act, being MCL 333.5451 et seq., except a project that is otherwise exempt under the Act;


    A project resulting in the permanent elimination of lead hazards, conducted by a person who, through their company name or promotional literature, represents, advertises, or holds themselves out to be in the business of performing lead-based paint activities except a project that is exempt under the Michigan Lead Abatement Act; and


    A project resulting in the permanent elimination of lead hazards that is conducted in response to a state or City abatement order, but does not include:


    Renovation, remodeling, landscaping, or other activity, where the activity is not designed to permanently eliminate lead hazards, but is instead designed to repair, restore, or remodel a dwelling even though the activity may incidentally result in a reduction or elimination of a lead hazard;


    An interim control, operation, maintenance activity, or other measure or activity designed to temporarily, but not permanently, reduce a lead hazard;


    Any lead-based paint activity performed by the owner of an owner occupied residential dwelling or an owner-occupied multi-family dwelling containing four (4) or fewer units where the activity is performed only in that owner-occupied unit of the multi-family dwelling; and


    The scraping or removal of paint, painting over paint, or other similar activity that may incidentally result in a reduction or elimination of a lead hazard.

    Adult foster care facility means a governmental or non-governmental establishment which principally receives adults for foster care including a foster care family home for adults who:


    Are aged, emotionally disturbed, developmentally disabled or physically handicapped;


    Require supervision on an ongoing basis; and


    Do not require continuous nursing care, but excludes a nursing home, a home for the aged, a hospital, a hospital for the mentally ill, a county infirmary, and a facility operated for the developmentally disabled by the Michigan Department of Mental Health.

    Apartment means a one (1) family living space having one (1) or more rooms located within a building, and containing a kitchen equipped with a sink and a bathroom equipped with a bathtub or shower, a lavatory, and a toilet or water closet.

    Approved means approved by the director of the buildings and safety engineering department or the public health director, or a device, material or practice that meets acceptable industry standards or an apparatus or a method which, by demonstration or test, has proven workable for its intended use.

    Approved containers means receptacles designated for use in specific areas, or for specific uses by the director of the department of public works, which are limited to Courville containers, large movable or stationary containers, and portable containers, as defined in this section.

    Article means the Detroit Property Maintenance Code.

    Authorized local official means a Detroit police officer, or other City of Detroit employee or agent, who is authorized to issue blight violations in accordance with this article and the provisions of the 1984 Detroit City Code that are designated as blight violations.

    Basement means that portion of a building or structure which is partly or completely below grade.

    Bathroom means a room containing plumbing fixtures including a bathtub or shower.

    Bedroom means any room or space used, or intended to be used, for sleeping purposes.

    Blight violation means any unlawful act, or any omission or failure to act, which is designated by the 1984 Detroit City Code as a blight violation pursuant to Section 4l(2) of the Michigan Home Rule Cities Act, being MCL 117.4l(2).

    Blight violation determination means a determination that:


    An alleged violator is responsible for one (1) or more blight violations as a result of the admission of responsibility for the allegation(s) in a blight violation notice; or


    After an administrative hearing that a person is or is not responsible for one (1) or more blight violations; or


    As a result of a decision and order of default for failing to appear as directed by the blight violation notice, or other notice regarding one (1) or more blight violations, at a scheduled appearance at the department of administrative hearings in accordance with Section 4q(8)(c) of the Michigan Home Rule Cities Act, being MCL 117.4q(8)(c).

    Blight violation notice means a written violation notice prepared by an authorized local official which directs an alleged violator i) to pay the civil fine(s) specified in the notice, including any required fees or costs, for one (1) or more blight violations in accordance with the fines, fees, or costs specified in this article and ii) to appear at the department of administrative hearings regarding the occurrence or existence of one (1) or more blight violations pursuant to Section 4q(8) of the Michigan Home Rule Cities Act, being MCL 117.4q(8).

    Blight violation proceeding means an administrative process that results in a blight violation determination.

    Building means a permanent structure that is constructed or used for a residential or nonresidential purpose, or any permanent accessory structure or facility used in conjunction with such use.

    Buildings, premises, and structures, means all properties, equipment, and facilities which are part of, or used in conjunction with, any existing residential and nonresidential building, premises, or structure, including any vacant building.

    Certificate of compliance means a certificate issued by the buildings and safety engineering department which states that a building, premises or structure, or a portion thereof, complies with the requirements of this article.

    Certificate of registration means a certificate issued by the buildings and safety engineering department which states that a rental property complies with the requirements of this article.

    Certified abatement worker means an individual who has been trained to per- form lead abatement by an accredited training program and who is certified by the Michigan Department of Community Health to perform lead abatement.

    Certified clearance technician means an individual who has completed an approved training course and is certified by the Michigan Department of Community Health to perform lead-clearance testing on interim controls or non-abatement/renovation projects to ensure that lead dust has been removed.

    Certified lead inspector means an individual who has been trained by an accredited training program and certified by the Michigan Department of Com- munity Health to conduct lead-based paint inspections for the purpose of identifying lead-based paint and take samples for the purpose of lead-abatement clearance testing.

    Certified renovator means an individual who has successfully completed a lead hazard renovator course provided by an accredited training program for which the Michigan Department of Community Health, who has been issued a certificate to perform lead hazard renovations, or who directs or subcontracts to others under their supervision to perform lead hazard renovations.

    Certified risk assessor means an individual who has been trained by an accredited training program and certified by the Michigan Department of Community Health to conduct evaluations, lead-based paint inspections, and risk assessments for lead-based paint hazards, and to take samples for the presence of lead in paint and dust for the purpose of post remedy inspection and certification.

    City means the City of Detroit.

    Clearance examination means an activity conducted following lead-based paint hazard reduction activities to deter- mine that the hazard reduction activities are complete and that no lead-based paint hazards, as defined in this section, exist in the dwelling unit or work site.

    Commercial establishments means all businesses, non-profit organizations, churches, governmental agencies, and other such institutions which cannot be classified as residential structures, as well as residential structures containing five (5) or more household units.

    Commercial solid waste means:


    The solid waste resulting from the operation of commercial establishments and;


    Construction solid waste, but does not include domestic solid waste.

    Community residential home means a location which provides shelter to prisoners placed pursuant to Section 65a of the Michigan Department of Corrections Act, being MCL 791.265.

    Construction solid waste means waste from buildings construction, alteration, demolition or repair, and dirt from excavations.

    Containment means a process to protect workers and the environment by controlling exposure to a dust lead hazard and debris created during lead abatement.

    Courville containers means receptacles which are one hundred (100), three hundred (300) or four hundred (400) gallons in capacity, are the property of the city, are provided by the department of public works for use at residential structures and commercial establishments, and are mechanically emptied.

    Condemnation means to determine a structure unfit for occupancy.

    Condominium means that portion of a condominium conversion or project designed and intended for separate ownership and use, as described in the master deed, regardless of whether it is intended for residential, office, industrial, business or recreational use, or use as a time share unit, or any other type of use.

    Debris means the remains of an item broken down or destroyed.

    Designated transitional housing means housing which is defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, in 24 C.F.R. 577.5 as "transitional housing" or in 24 C.F.R. 583.5 as "supportive housing."

    Deteriorated paint means paint or other surface coating that is cracking, flaking, chipping, peeling, or otherwise damaged or separating from the substrate of a building component, unless the deteriorated paint surfaces total no more than:


    Twenty (20) square feet on exterior surfaces;


    Two (2) square feet in any one interior room or space; or


    Ten (10) percent of the total surface area on an interior or exterior type of component with a small surface area.

    Domestic solid waste means the solid waste resulting from the usual routine of housekeeping but does not include commercial solid waste.

    Dust-lead hazard means surface dust in a residential dwelling that contains a concentration of lead at or in excess of levels identified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to Title IV, Section 403, of the Toxic Substances Control Act, being 15 USC 2683, or as otherwise defined by rule.

    Dwelling or dwelling unit means a single unit providing complete, independent living facilities occupied, or intended to be occupied, in whole or in part by one (1) or more persons, including permanent space and provisions for living, cooking, eating, sanitation, and sleeping.

    Emergency means any condition in a building, premises, or structure that reasonably constitutes a threat to the public interest, safety, or welfare.

    Emergency shelter means a facility which provides congregate-style temporary lodging either with or without meals and ancillary services on the premises to primarily the homeless for more than four (4) weeks in any calendar year but does not provide such lodging to any individual:


    Who is required because of age, mental disability or other reason to reside either in a public or in a private institution; or


    Who is imprisoned or otherwise detained pursuant to either federal or state law, and excludes an adult foster care facility, designated transitional housing, a nursing home, a temporary emergency shelter, and a warming center.

    Encapsulate means a substance that forms a barrier between lead-based paint and the environment using a liquid-applied coating, with or without reinforcement materials, or an adhesively-bonded covering material.

    Encapsulation means the application of an encapsulant.

    Enclosure means the use of rigid, durable construction materials that are mechanically fastened to the substrate in order to act as a barrier between lead- based paint and the environment.

    Evaluation means a risk assessment, a lead-hazard screen, a lead-based paint inspection, paint testing, or a combination of these to determine the presence of lead-based paint hazards or lead-based paint.

    Exterior property means the open space on the premises and on adjoining premises or property under the control of owners or operators of such premises and property.

    Extermination means the control and elimination of insects, rats or other pests by eliminating their harborage places, or by removing or making inaccessible materials that serve as their food, or by fumigating, poisoning, spraying, trapping or any other approved pest elimination method, or by a combination thereof.

    Final decision and order means a final decision by an administrative hearings officer that a blight violation does or does not exist and constitutes a judgment for purposes of judicial review which may be enforced in the same manner as a judgment entered by a court of competent jurisdiction.

    Friction surface means an interior or exterior surface that is subject to abrasion or friction, including, but not limited to, certain window, floor, and stair surfaces.

    Garbage means, as defined by Section 11503 of the Michigan Natural Resources and Environmental Act, being MCL 324.11503, rejected food wastes including waste accumulation of animal, fruit, or vegetable matter used or intended for food or that attends the preparation, use, cooking, dealing in, or storing of meat, fish, fowl, fruit, or vegetable matter.

    Good repair means to be properly installed, safe, stable, and maintained sufficiently free of defects or deterioration so as to be functional for current use.

    Graffiti means unauthorized drawings, lettering, illustrations, or other graphic markings on the exterior of a building, premises, or structure which are intended to deface or mar the appearance of the building, premises, or structure.

    Guard means a building component, or a system of building components, located at or near the open sides of elevated walking surfaces that minimize the possibility of a fall from the walking surface to a lower level.

    Habitable space means space in a structure for living, eating, cooking or sleeping, but does not mean bathrooms, closets, halls, storage or utility spaces, toilet rooms, or similar areas.

    Hazard reduction means measures designed to reduce or eliminate human exposure to lead-based paint hazards through methods including interim controls or abatement or a combination of the (2) two.

    Hazardous condition means a condition which may result in the death, injury, or illness of a person or in severe damage to a building, premises, or structure.

    Homeless means an individual who, or family which, lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence, or whose primary nighttime residence is:


    A supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations; or


    A public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.

    Hotel means any building containing guest rooms which are intended or designed to be used, rented, or hired out by transient persons or by a transient family.

    Household units means the individual residences of the residents of the city.

    Imminent danger means a condition which could cause serious or life-threatening injury, or death, to persons at any time due to the maintenance, or lack of maintenance, of a building, premises, or structure.

    Impact surface means an interior or exterior surface that is subject to damage by repeated sudden force, such as certain parts of door frames.

    Infestation means the presence, within or contiguous to, a building, premises or structure of insects, rats, vermin, or other pests.

    Interim controls means a set of measures designed to temporarily reduce human exposure or likely exposure to lead-based paint hazards including, but not limited to, specialized cleaning, repairs, maintenance, painting, temporary containment, ongoing monitoring of lead-based paint hazards or potential hazards, and the establishment and operation of management and resident education programs. Labeled means appliances, devices, equipment, or materials to which has been affixed a label, seal, symbol or other identifying mark of a nationally recognized testing laboratory, inspection agency or other organization that is concerned with product evaluation and maintains periodic inspection of the production of the above-labeled items and by whose label the manufacturer attests to compliance with applicable nationally recognized standards.

    Large movable or stationary containers means receptacles which are two (2) cubic yards, three (3) cubic yards, six (6) cubic yards or larger in capacity and are mechanically emptied.

    Lead-based paint means paint or other surface coatings that contain lead equal to or in excess of 1.0 milligrams per square centimeter or more than 0.5% by weight. Lead-based paint hazard means any of the following conditions:


    Any lead-based paint on friction surface, or on an impact surface, such as windows or doors, unless they are replacement items that were manufactured after 1978, or unless a lead inspection is performed by a certified lead inspector or risk assessor to verify that the surfaces do not contain lead-based paint; or


    Any lead-based paint on an friction surface, or on an impact surface, such as windows or doors, where the lead dust levels on the nearest horizontal surface are equal to or greater than the dust-lead hazard levels identified in rules promulgated under the Michigan Lead Abatement Act, being MCL 333.5451 et seq.; or


    Any damaged or otherwise deteriorated lead-based paint on an impact surface that is caused by impact from a related building component; or


    An interior or exterior surface painted with lead-based paint that a young child can mouth or chew and includes an "accessible surface" as defined in Section 4851b(2) of the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act, being 42 USC 4851 et seq., provided, that hard metal substrates and other materials which cannot be dented by the bite of a young child are not considered chewable; or


    Any other deteriorated lead-based paint in or on any residential building or child occupied facility; or


    Surface dust in a residential dwelling or child-occupied facility that contains lead in a mass-per-area concentration equal to or exceeding the levels established by rules promulgated under the Michigan Lead Abatement Act, being MCL 333.5451 et seq.; or


    Bare soil on residential rental property that contains lead equal to or exceeding levels established by rules promulgated under the Michigan Lead Abatement Act, being 333.5451 et seq.; or


    A porch that is found to contain more than forty (40) µg. per square foot or leaded dust.

    Lead clearance means:


    A residential dwelling that has undergone interim controls or abatement to reduce or control lead-based paint hazards, and, the owner has received a post- remedy clearance report from a certified clearance technician or, for interim controls only, a certified inspector or risk assessor; or


    The owner of a residential rental property has received report from a certified lead inspector or risk assessor that lead paint exists on the rental property, but there are no lead-based paint hazards on the rental property; or


    The owner of a residential rental property has received a report from a certified lead inspector or risk assessor that lead-based paint does not exist on the rental property.

    Lead inspection means a surface-by-surface investigation to determine the presence of lead paint and the provision of a report explaining the results of the investigation.

    Let means to permit, provide or offer possession or occupancy of a dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming unit, building, premises, or structure by a person who is or is not the legal owner of record thereof, pursuant to a written or unwritten lease, agreement or license, or pursuant to a recorded or unrecorded agreement of contract for the sale of land.

    Litter means, as defined by section 8901 of the Michigan Natural Resources and Environmental Act, being MCL 324.8901, all rubbish, refuse, waste material, garbage, offal, paper, glass, cans, bottles, trash, debris, or other foreign substances.

    Loft means a dwelling unit in a building originally constructed for other than residential use containing one (1) or more rooms or enclosed floor spaces arranged for living, eating, sleeping, and/or a home occupation, which contains bathroom and kitchen facilities, subject to the conditions specified in the Detroit Zoning Ordinance, being Chapter 61 of the 1984 Detroit City Code.

    Motel means a building, or a group of buildings, on a single zoning lot, that contains rooming or dwelling units which may or may not be independently accessible from the outside, designed for or primarily occupied by transients and may include any such building or building group that is designated as a hotel, motor lodge, motor inn, or any other name intended for identification as providing lodging for compensation, and that is with or without a general kitchen and public dining room for use by the occupants.

    Motor vehicle means any vehicle that is self-propelled and used for transportation of persons or goods.

    Multiple dwelling means any building containing three (3) or more rooming or dwelling units.

    Multiple-use building means any building containing two (2) or more areas or spaces of different occupancies.

    Noxious weeds means plants such as Canada thistle (Circium arvense), dodders (any species of Cuscuta), mustards (charlock, black mustard and Indian mustard, species of Brassica or Sinapis), wild carrot (Daucus carota), bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis), perennial sow thistle (Sonchus arvensis), hoary alyssum (Berteroa incana), ragweed (ambrosia elatior 1.) and poison ivy (Rhus toxicon- dendron), poison sumac (toxicodendron vernix), or other plant which in the opinion of the Public Health Director is regarded as a public nuisance.

    Nursing home means a facility which provides organized nursing care and medical treatment to seven (7) or more unrelated individuals suffering or recovering from illness, injury or infirmity, and which is not a unit in a correctional facility that is operated by the Michigan Department of Community Health.

    Occupancy means the purpose for which a building or structure is utilized or occupied.

    Occupant means any individual living or sleeping in a building or structure, or having possession of a space within a building or structure.

    Openable area means that part of a window, skylight, or door which is available for unobstructed ventilation and which opens directly to the outdoors.

    Operator means any person who is in charge, or has the care or control of a building, premises or structure, which is let, offered or rented for occupancy.

    Owner means any person, agent, operator, firm or corporation having a legal or equitable interest in the building, premises or structure, or is recorded in the official records of the State of Michigan, County of Wayne, or the City as holding title to the building, premises or structure, or otherwise has the legal responsibility for the control and maintenance of the building, premises or structure, including the conservator or guardian of the estate of any such person, the executor or administrator of the estate of such person where ordered to take possession of a building, premises, or structure by a court, or is the taxpayer of record.

    Permanent means an expected design life of at least twenty (20) years.

    Person means an individual, partnership, firm, company, corporation, association, sole proprietorship, joint venture, owner, operator, or any other legal entity. Portable containers means receptacles which are not more than thirty (30) gallons in capacity and are manually emptied.

    Post-remedy clearance report means a report from a certified clearance technician, for interim controls only, or a certified lead inspector or certified risk assessor that:


    Identifies the lead-based paint hazards in the rental property; and


    Certifies that the lead-based paint hazards have been abated or reduced by interim controls pursuant to standards under the Michigan Lead Abatement Act, being MCL 333.5451 et seq.

    Premises means a lot, plot or parcel of land including any buildings or structures thereon.

    Property means real property, including attachments and fixtures.

    Public Health Director means the Director and Health Officer of the City of Detroit Department of Health and Wellness Promotion.

    Rat control means the distribution of rat poison or the setting of rat traps or fumigation or such other methods of rat eradication as may be approved by the Public Health Director.

    Rat harborage means any condition under which rats may find shelter or protection.

    Ratproof and ratproofing mean a form of construction which will prevent the ingress or egress of rats to or from a given space or buildings, or will prevent rats from gaining access to food, water or harborage and consists of closing and keeping closed by the use of material impervious to rat gnawing of every opening in foundations, basements, cellars, exterior and interior walls, ground or first floors, roofs, sidewalk gratings, sidewalk openings and other places that may be reached and entered by rats by climbing, burrowing or other methods.

    Reduction or reduce means measures designed to reduce or eliminate human exposure to lead-based paint hazards through methods including, but not limited to, interim controls and abatement.

    Rental property means a non-owner occupied dwelling unit or dwelling units that:


    Is or are let or occupied by persons, including a family member of the owner, pursuant to an oral or written rental contract, or lease, or other oral or written agreement or understanding for occupation, with or without, monetary compensation; or


    Will be offered for occupancy under an oral or written rental contract or lease, or other oral or written agreement or understanding for occupation, with or without, monetary compensation to any person; or


    Is or are contained within a building with two (2) or more dwelling units that are not occupied by the owner; or


    Has or have been advertised to the public or previously registered with the city as rental property.

    Repeat offense means a second, or any subsequent, blight violation determination regarding a blight violation notice that is made within a one (1) year for the same blight violation, except for a determination by an administrative hearings officer that a person is not responsible for a blight violation for the first or subsequent violation.

    Residential structures mean the household units of the residents of the city.

    Retaliatory action means any action that materially alters the terms of the tenancy of the premises such as an increase in rent, termination of a lease or tenancy, or interference with the tenants' occupancy or use of the premises.

    Risk assessment means both of the following:


    An on-site investigation conducted by a certified risk assessor to determine the existence, nature, severity, and location of a lead-based paint hazard; and


    The provision of a report by the person conducting the risk assessment explaining the results of the investigation and options for reducing the lead-based paint hazard.

    Room and board home means a rooming unit within a dwelling arranged to provide lodging and meals for monetary compensation. Rooming house means a building arranged or occupied for lodging, with or without meals, for compensation and not occupied as a one- or two-family dwelling.

    Rooming unit means any room, or group of rooms, that form a single habitable unit occupied, or intended to be occupied, for sleeping or living, but not for cooking purposes.

    Rubbish means, as defined by Section 11505 of the Michigan Natural Resources and Environmental Act, being MCL 324.11505, non putrescible solid waste, excluding ashes, consisting of both combustible and noncombustible waste, including paper, cardboard, metal containers, yard clippings, wood, glass, bedding, crockery, demolished building materials, or litter of any kind that may be a detriment to the public health and safety.

    Sanitary condition means a clean condition which guards against disease, illness or infection, or the growth of harmful bacteria.

    Secured by other than normal means means a building secured in a manner other than one used in the construction, design, or approved plans for the building, or other than as required by Section 9-1-13(c) and (d) of the 1984 Detroit City Code.

    Shelter means either an emergency shelter or a shelter for victims of domestic violence.

    Shelter for victims of domestic violence means a residential facility which provides temporary accommodation and support to victims of domestic violence either with or without their minor children, and which is operated by a non-profit, charitable, or a religious agency that meets the precontract standards of the State of Michigan Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment Board, but does not include an adult foster care facility, a community residential home, or a substance abuse service facility.

    Solid waste means any material defined as a solid waste within the meaning of Section 11506 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, being MCL 324.11506, and includes debris, garbage, litter, and rubbish, as defined by this section.

    Structure means that which is built or constructed.

    Substance abuse service facility means an establishment which is used on an outpatient basis for the dispensing of compounds or prescription medicines directly to persons that have drug or alcohol abuse problems, but excludes a generally recognized pharmacy or licensed hospital that dispenses prescription medicines.

    Temporary certificate of compliance means a certificate issued by the buildings and safety engineering department stating that a building, premises, or structure, or a portion thereof, has been found to be safe for its intended purpose and use, is in substantial compliance with this article, and provides for an expiration date of less than six (6) months from the date of issuance that is conditionally extendable in writing by the directors of the buildings and safety engineering department, or his or her designee.

    Temporary emergency shelter means a building which is opened on an urgent basis to provide shelter for the homeless from the elements for not more than four (4) weeks in any calendar year, including those operated in concert by churches and other religious organizations that permit the homeless to utilize their facilities as a place of lodging on a weekly rotating basis.

    Tenant means a person, corporation, partnership or group, whether or not the legal owner of record, who or which occupies a building or structure.

    Toilet room means a room containing a water closet or urinal, but not a bathtub or shower.

    Townhouse means a single-family dwelling unit constructed in a group of three (3) or more attached units in which each unit extends from foundation to roof and with no side yards except end units which have one (1) side yard.

    Vacant building means a building or structure that is unoccupied for more than thirty (30) days, is unsecured, is secured by other than normal means, as defined in this section, is illegally occupied, or poses an imminent danger to the health and safety of surrounding residents and properties or to the general public by being unsafe as determined by an authorized local official, including, but not limited to, the existence of a fire hazard, a collapsed or dilapidated portion, the loss of a utility, or an unsanitary condition.

    Ventilation means the natural or mechanical process of supplying conditioned or unconditioned air to, or removing such air from, any space.

    Vermin means small animals, such as bedbugs, lice and mice, that tend to occur in great numbers, are difficult to control, and are offensive as well as injurious.

    Violation means any act that is prohibited or made or declared to be a blight violation by any section of this article, and any omission or failure to act where the act is required by any section of this article.

    Violator means a person who is responsible for a blight violation.

    Warming center means a facility which is not designed for lodging and is operated for the purpose of sheltering the transient homeless from the elements for brief intervals during any twenty-four (24) hour period.

    Workmanlike means constructed or repaired in a skilled professional manner, for example, work that is generally plumb, level, square, in line, undamaged and without marring adjacent work and generally in compliance with any applicable requirements of the Michigan Construction Codes enacted pursuant to Section 4 of the Stile-Dearest-Hale Single State Construction Code Act, being MCL 125.1504.

    Yard means an unobstructed open space on the same lot with a building or structure.

(Ord. No. 18-03, § 1, 7-9-03; Ord. No. 36-04, § 1, 11-17-04; Ord. No. 29-09, § 1, 10-20-09; Ord. No. 11-10, § 1, 7-12-10; Ord. No. 17-11, § 1, 7-6-11)