§ 58-7-1. Definitions.
§ 58-7-2. Unauthorized access to Detroit People Mover System.
§ 58-7-3. Impeding or hindering employees of the Detroit Transportation Corporation.
§ 58-7-4. Unlawful to vandalize Detroit People Mover property.
§ 58-7-5. Unlawful to obstruct guideways or property of the Detroit People Mover System.
§ 58-7-6. Missiles, unlawful use.
§ 58-7-7. Smoking, spitting prohibited.
§ 58-7-8. Drinking, eating, use of intoxicants prohibited.
§ 58-7-9. Sound amplification devices prohibited.
§ 58-7-10. Animals prohibited; exception.
§ 58-7-11. Refuse prohibited.
§ 58-7-12. Refusal to pay fare.
§ 58-7-13. False reports or threats prohibited.
§ 58-7-14. Forgery and counterfeit items prohibited.
§ 58-7-15. Explosives and fireworks prohibited.
§ 58-7-16. Equipment cabinets, unauthorized access prohibited.
§ 58-7-17. Safety lines, unlawful to cross.
§ 58-7-18. Equipment use.
§ 58-7-19. Detroit Mover vehicle doors.
§ 58-7-20. Order to leave vehicle or Detroit People Mover facilities.
§ 58-7-21. Soliciting or carrying on business.
§ 58-7-22. Commercial photography or recording.
§ 58-7-23. Building construction and improvements.
§ 58-7-24. Advertising.
§ 58-7-25. Vending in public areas.
§ 58-7-26. Signs.
§ 58-7-27. Solicitation of contributions, and distribution of materials—Generally.
§ 58-7-28. Same—Regulations.
§ 58-7-29. Same—Interference prohibited.
§ 58-7-30. Same—Posting of signs, etc., prohibited.
§ 58-7-31. Same—No sales.
§ 58-7-32. Modification of restrictions.