JANUARY 1, 2014
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Article 7, Chapter 1, of the Charter of the City of Detroit Executive Branch Organization Chart Descriptions of Mayor's Office, City Departments and Special Agencies Major Changes in the Executive Branch since Adoption of Executive Organization Plan, Effective July 1, 1974 Major Changes in the Executive Branch as submitted to the City Council on May 15, 2002 SEC. 10. INTRODUCTION
This document is intended to set forth all departments and special agencies of the executive branch of City government including outlines of their administrative organization and the programs, services and activities assigned to them as of April 1, 1994. Article 7, Chapter 1, of the 1974 City Charter (reproduced in this document) specifies those features which must be included in an Executive Organization Plan. The first Executive Organization Plan under the 1974 City Charter was submitted to City Council on April 2, 1974 and became effective July 1, 1974. Included in this current document is a listing of major changes which have occurred in the executive branch since July 1, 1974 and which are incorporated in the Executive Organization Plan as herewith submitted.
AND SPECIAL AGENCIES SEC. 20. RESERVED Editor's note— Section 20 formerly contained an organizational chart of city department. Due to changes in city departments this former chart has been considered oboslete. SEC. 30. CHARTER OF THE CITY OF DETROIT
As Adopted by Vote of the People
ARTICLE 7. THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH: PROGRAMS, SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES Sec. 7-101. Existing programs, services and activities. When this Charter takes effect, all executive and administrative agencies and functions existing under title 7 of the 1918 Charter or by ordinance or resolution and not superseded by this Charter shall continue with the force and effect of ordinance until superseded by action taken under sections 7-102 or 7-104. Sec. 7-102. Assignment of authorized functions. The Mayor shall prepare an executive organization plan, which, consistent with law and this Charter, sets forth all agencies of the executive branch and assigns authorized programs, services and activities to each agency. The plan as proposed by the mayor shall be filed with the city council and made public. The city council shall study and conduct hearings on the plan and may request the mayor to make modifications in it. Sixty business days after filing of the plan with the city council, it shall become effective, with such modifications as are accepted by the mayor, unless disapproved by a resolution adopted by a 2/3 majority of city council members serving. All amendments to the plan must originate with the mayor and are subject to the same procedure in taking effect. The plan shall include the office of mayor, the 5 departments created by article 6 [Budget, Planning, Finance, Law and Personnel] and all departments or functions created by article 7 [ ] or continued by section 7-101. However, the plan may not provide for more than 35 departments, exclusive of any department organized under specific statutory authority, unless authority for a greater number is granted under Section 7-104. The mayor may not reassign or combine the functions of staff departments, but may, except as to departments created under chapters 3 [Arts], 9 [Historical], 10 [Human Rights], 11 [Police], 15 [Water & Sewerage] and 16 [Zoological Parks] of this article, assign any of the functions of an operating department to a staff department, reassign the functions of one operating department to another operating department or combine operating departments. Sec. 7-103. Advisory commissions. Commissions of citizens to advise any agency of the executive branch, or branch offices of any agency, in the determination of its policies and budgets and the implementation of its programs, services and activities may be created by executive order. Appointments to the commissions shall be made by and members serve at the pleasure of the mayor. The mayor shall endeavor to make city-wide commissions as representative of the entire city as possible and any commission created to advise a branch office of any agency as representative of the people being served as possible. All members of advisory commissions shall be residents of Detroit unless the mayor shall expressly specify otherwise in the executive order and state reasons for allowing non-residents to serve. Sec. 7-104. Change in number of authorized functions. Subject to the general provisions of this Charter, the city may, by ordinance, increase the number of departments of the executive branch beyond the number contemplated by this Charter. The city may, by ordinance, authorize additional programs, services, or activities; or discontinue authorized programs, services or activities. SEC. 40. MAYOR'S OFFICE Summary of Office's Purposes: To implement and administer programs, services and activities of City Government in order to provide the citizens of Detroit with a well-run, well-managed, safe and clean city. Administration: The Mayor is the Chief Executive Official of the City of Detroit and the conservator of the peace. The Mayor appoints the Deputy Mayor and any other necessary Executive Assistants. He appoints the Press Secretary, Secretarial Staff, the Director and Deputy Director of Neighborhood City Halls, the Neighborhood City Hall Managers and Assistant Neighborhood City Halls Managers. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 78
Administrative Offices:
Mayor's Office
Neighborhood City Halls
Major Functional Areas:
Executive Office
SEC. 45. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS Summary of Departmental Purposes: The purpose of this department is to strengthen Code enforcement efforts by assessing and collecting civil fines and costs for Blight Violations issued under the 1984 Detroit City Code; and To concentrate and consolidate adjudication of all Blight Violations into the Department of Administrative Hearings that is independent from the specific code-enforcing agencies.
Administrative Offices:
561 E. Jefferson
SEC. 50. AIRPORT DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: This department operates to provide a safe and serviceable airport facility for commercial and general aviation in compliance with Federal, State and City regulations. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Airport Director who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Department. The Airport Director appoints a Deputy Airport Director with the Mayor's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 30
Administrative Offices:
City Airport
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 60. ARTS DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: This department strives: To preserve its collections of works of art as a heritage for present and future generations; to display and make accessible a broad range of these collections in a climate controlled environment under optimum security conditions; to further the understanding and appreciation of the visual arts by the study, documentation and publication of the collections, by temporary exhibitions, performances and educational programs of the highest quality; to enhance and enlarge the collections through purchases and gifts of aesthetic quality and historical distinction and significance. THIS IS A CHARTER MANDATED DEPARTMENT. Administration: The Mayor appoints the seven member Arts Commission. Appointments are to four year terms and not more than two members' terms shall expire each year. The Commission appoints the Arts Director and Deputy Arts Director subject to Mayoral approval. The Director and the Deputy serve at the pleasure of the Commission. The Arts Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the Arts Department. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 127 Administrative Offices:
Detroit Institute of Arts
Major Functional Areas:
Museum Management
SEC. 70. BUDGET DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: The purpose of this department is to provide the Mayor and the City Council with both long and short-term financial planning data; to assist in the preparation of the annual Budget and the Five Year Capital Agenda; to monitor departmental operations with respect to budgets; and to perform management audits. THIS IS A CHARTER MANDATED DEPARTMENT. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Budget Director as the Chief Executive Officer of the Department. The Budget Director appoints the Deputy Budget Director with the Mayor's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 26 Administrative Offices:
1100 City-County Building
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 80. BUILDINGS AND SAFETY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: The purpose of this department is to provide code enforcement service within the framework of current nationally recognized codes as established by ordinance. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Director of Buildings and Safety Engineering as the Chief Executive Officer. The Director appoints the Deputy Director of Building and Safety Engineering with the Mayor's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 239 Administrative Offices:
401 City-County Building
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 90. CIVIC CENTER DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: The Civic Center Department is responsible for the operation, maintenance and promotion of the following City-owned facilities: Cobo Conference/Exhibition Center, the Veterans Memorial Building, Cobo Arena and Joe Louis Arena. The two arenas are leased, managed and operated by Olympia Arenas, Inc. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Director of Civic Center who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Department. The Director appoints the Deputy Director of Civic Center with the Mayor's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 104 Administrative Offices:
Cobo Hall
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 100. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION Summary of Departmental Purposes: To develop and implement public information programs that will provide an effective communication link between City government and the public regarding City objectives, policies and projects as may be requested by the Mayor's Office, City Council, and City departments. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Director of Communication and Creative Services. The Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Director appoints the Deputy Director of Communication and Creative Services with the Mayor's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 19 Administrative Offices:
608 City-County Building
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 110. RESERVED SEC. 120. DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE, ARTS AND TOURISM Summary of Departmental Purposes: This new department will centralize the City's present efforts, which are fragmented and dispersed throughout several departments and agencies, to advocate, coordinate and implement actions which promote the arts and cultural life in the City of Detroit. SEC. 130. DETROIT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: To provide job training and employment opportunities for adults and youth who are experiencing severe difficulties in obtaining employment and who are economically disadvantaged, unemployed or underemployed. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Director-Employment and Training Department, who is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Director appoints the Deputy Director-Employment and Training Department with the Mayor's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 171 Administrative Offices:
707 West Milwaukee
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 140. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS Summary of Departmental Purposes: The purpose of this department is management and coordination of the environmental policy and environmental affairs of the City of Detroit, with the ultimate goals of 1) protection and conservation of the environment and natural resources of the City; 2) protection of the health, safety and welfare of the People of the City; and 3) promotion of improved social and economic conditions of the City. Among other functions, this department will develop and implement coordinated environmental policies for the City; manage and coordinate compliance by the City with federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations, with the support of legal counsel; advise and consult with agencies of the federal, state and other local governments; provide technical support and assistance in environmental grant applications; and conduct public outreach and public education regarding environmental issues. SEC. 150. FINANCE DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: To administer the overall fiscal and financial affairs of the City. To provide services and controls for accounting, cash management, procurement and revenue collection functions. The Finance Department also operates the public markets. THIS IS A CHARTER MANDATED DEPARTMENT. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Finance Director who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Department. The Finance Director also oversees the accounts, assessments, treasury and purchasing divisions. The Finance Director appoints the Deputy Finance Director with the Mayor's consent. The Finance Director appoints the Chief Accounting Officer, Treasurer and Purchasing Director with Mayoral approval. These appointees administer their respective Divisions. A three member Board of Assessors is created by City Charter. The Mayor appoints the Chief Assessor and two assessors, and may remove them for cause. Appointments are to three year terms with one term expiring each year. The board members must possess the qualifications required by law for assessing officers. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 500 Administrative Offices:
Finance Department
Accounts Division
Assessments Division
Treasury Division
Purchasing Division
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 160. FIRE DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: To protect life and property from fire; to inspect public buildings and other places for the enforcement of all laws, ordinances and regulations relating to fire prevention and safety; to investigate the causes and origins of fires, and prosecute perpetrators of arson; to provide emergency transportation to a hospital for the sick and injured; and to maintain a state of preparedness for civil or natural disaster. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Fire Commissioner and the Deputy Fire Commissioner. The Fire Commissioner is the Chief Executive Officer of the Department. The Fire Commissioner with Mayoral approval, appoints the Chief of Fire Operations and two Deputy Fire Chiefs from the Battalion Fire Chiefs in the fire fighting division. The Fire Commissioner appoints the Fire Marshall, who serves at the pleasure of the Fire Commissioner. (Note: A recent arbitration decision provides that the Assistant Fire Marshall shall be promoted to Fire Marshall.) Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 1676 Administrative Offices:
Emergency Medical Services
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
Grounds Maintenance
SEC. 170. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION Summary of Departmental Purposes: The mission of the Detroit Health Department is to "protect and promote the health of the residents of the City of Detroit". Our responsibilities include prevention and control of disease and injury, prevention and control of environmental hazards, and protecting the health of vulnerable populations. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Public Health Director who is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Public Health Director appoints the Deputy Public Health Director with the Mayor's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 668 Administrative Offices:
Herman Kiefer Complex
Major Functional Areas:
SEC. 180. HISTORICAL DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: To maintain and operate three Detroit Historical Museums in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter and the policies of the Historical Commission by collecting and preserving Detroit related historical materials, and exhibiting this material in such a way as to convey an accurate and comprehensive impression of Detroit's rich, multi-ethnic heritage to the broadest possible metropolitan Detroit audience. THIS IS A CHARTER MANDATED DEPARTMENT. Administration: The Mayor appoints a five member commission. Appointments are to four year terms and not more than two members' terms shall expire each year. The commission appoints the Historical Museums Director and the Deputy Historical Museums Director subject to Mayoral approval. The Director and Deputy Director serve at the pleasure of the commission. The Historical Museums Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 32 Administrative Offices:
Detroit Historical Museum
Major Functional Areas:
Museum Programs (Education and Exhibitions)
SEC. 190. HOUSING DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: To provide decent, safe, sanitary and well-managed housing for low-income citizens of the City of Detroit. Administration: This department has a nine member Housing Commission. The Mayor appoints five members to the Commission. Terms of membership are for three years. The Commission appoints the Director of Housing Department with the Mayor's consent. The Director appoints the Deputy Director of Housing Department with Mayoral approval. The Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Board of Tenant Affairs provides for citizens participation in the operations of the Housing Department. The Mayor appoints ten members to the Board and ten are elected by public housing residents. The Board appoints two members to the Housing Commission. The other two members are appointed by the Coordinating Council on Community Redevelopment. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 350 Administrative Offices:
2211 Orleans
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 200. HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Summary of Department Purposes: To operate a personnel administration system which assures that employment and promotion in City government are based on merit in accordance with negotiated collective bargaining agreements; that the work force is reasonably representative of the Detroit population; that there is equal opportunity to secure employment and advancement based on valid and job related requirements; and that the City's manpower needs are met in a timely and efficient manner; to direct, coordinate, and administer all labor relations activities. THIS IS A CHARTER MANDATED DEPARTMENT. Administration: The Mayor appoints the five member Civil Service Commission. Appointments are to five year terms and one member's term expires each year. Members must hold no other public office or public employment while on the commission. No more than three members shall belong to the same political party. Members may be removed for cause. The commission appoints the Human Resources Director with the Mayor's consent. The Human Resources Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. Appointments are to four year terms beginning on March 1st after the beginning of the Mayor's term. The Director must have five years personnel administration experience. The Director serves at the pleasure of the commission. The Director appoints a Deputy Human Resources Director. The Mayor appoints the Labor Relations Director. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 100 Administrative Offices
Human Resources Department
Labor Relations Division
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 210. HUMAN RIGHTS DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: To protect the Citizens of Detroit from unlawful discrimination; to eliminate and redress the effects of past discrimination; to endeavor to increase mutual understanding among residents of the community. THIS IS A CHARTER MANDATED DEPARTMENT. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Director of Human Rights Department and the Deputy Director of Human Rights Department with the approval of the Human Rights Commission. Appointments are to four year terms beginning on March 1st after the beginning of the Mayor's term. The Director and Deputy Director may be removed for cause with the commission's approval. The Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Mayor appoints the eleven member Human Rights Commission with the approval of the City Council. Appointments are to three year terms and not more than four member's terms shall expire each year. The Mayor may remove members for cause. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 15 Administrative Offices
1230 City-County Building
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 220. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Summary of Departmental Purposes: To alleviate the effects of poverty on low-income Detroiters by providing programs to meet the physical and social needs of Target Area residents. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Director of the Department of Human Services. The Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Director appoints the Deputy Director of the Department of Human Services with the Mayor's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 139 Administrative Offices:
5031 Grandy Avenue
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 230. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: Provide management information systems services for City agencies in order to improve the quality of services they provide to other agencies, both public and private and to the citizens and customers of the City of Detroit. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Director of Data Processing who is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Director appoints the Deputy Director of Data Processing with the Mayor's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 99 Administrative Offices:
528 City-County Building
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 240. LAW DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: To represent the City of Detroit and City Council in all legal matters. To defend all actions and proceedings brought against the City of Detroit, its agencies and where appropriate its employees. At the direction of the Mayor, to prosecute all claims, ordinance violations, condemnation matters and other proceedings as necessary to protect the rights of the City. THIS IS A CHARTER MANDATED DEPARTMENT. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Corporation Counsel with the approval of City Council. The Corporation Counsel is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Corporation Counsel appoints the Deputy Corporation Counsel with the Mayor's consent. The Corporation Counsel and the Deputy Corporation Counsel must be attorneys licensed to practice law in Michigan. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 137 Administrative Offices:
1010 City-County Building
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 250. MUNICIPAL PARKING DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: To administer the City of Detroit's on and off-street public parking program which provides parking at off-street parking facilities and at on-street metered spaces for the parking needs of Detroit's business communities and the people they serve; and to administer a sub-lease for the Cobo and Joe Louis Arenas; and to enforce on-street parking ordinances and process all parking fines for payment to the general fund. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Director-Municipal Parking Department. The Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Director appoints the Deputy Director-Municipal Parking Department with the Mayor's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 99 Administrative Offices:
200 Civic Center Drive
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 260. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: Develop, preserve, and promote the most appropriate use of land and physical resources in Detroit through community redevelopment efforts, and to conduct economic development programs and services. Collect, organize and present plans and proposals for the formulation of social, economic and physical development of the City. Develop and maintain planning documents related to the social, economic and physical development of the City. Provide overall coordination of planning activities related to the development of the City and provide information on matters which impact upon the City by evaluating plans, programs and projects. THIS IS A CHARTER MANDATED DEPARTMENT. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Director of Planning and Development who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Department. The Director appoints the Deputy Director of Planning and Development with the Mayor's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 186 Administrative Offices:
2300 Cadillac Tower
Major Functional Areas:
Current Planning
Coordinating Engineering activities for Public Development Projects and Environmental Impact Studies
Historic Preservation Review
SEC. 270. POLICE DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: To safeguard lives and property, preserve the public peace and general welfare of the community, protect the rights of citizens, prevent crime and enforce the laws of the United States, the State of Michigan and the ordinances of the City of Detroit. THIS IS A CHARTER MANDATED DEPARTMENT. Administration: The Mayor appoints the five member Board of Police Commissioners with the approval of City Council. Appointments are to five year terms and one member's terms expires each year. Board members may not serve consecutive terms or have had any City service within the last three years. The Boards duties are specified in the Charter. The Board appoints a board secretary, Chief Investigator, necessary investigators and a civilian Director of Police Personnel. The Director of Police Personnel appoints a Deputy Director of Police Personnel. The Mayor appoints the Chief of Police. The Chief must be experienced in police administration or law enforcement. The Chief is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Chief appoints the Executive Deputy Chief and other necessary Deputy Chiefs with the Board's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 4455 Administrative Offices:
1300 Beaubien
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 280. PUBLIC LIGHTING DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: To provide and distribute electrical and steam power for certain public facilities and to light public streets and alleys; to operate and maintain the traffic signal system, and maintain the police and fire wire communications systems. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Superintendent of Public Lighting who is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Superintendent appoints a Deputy Superintendent with the Mayor's consent. The Superintendent and Deputy must be registered professional electrical engineers with five years experience in the administration of a public utility. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 366 Administrative Offices:
9449 Grinnell
Major Functional Areas: Administrative Services
Inspection and Safety
Rates development
System operations and Dispatching
Construction and Maintenance Street Lighting Maintenance SEC. 290. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Summary of Departmental Purposes: To provide services to insure the cleanliness and traversability of the City; to be responsible for the maintenance of City equipment; to demolish structures deemed to be open and dangerous. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Director-Department of Public Works who is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Director appoints the Deputy Director-Department of Public Works with the Mayor's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 1459 Administrative Offices:
513 City-County Building
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 300. RECREATION DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: To provide the citizens of Detroit with a wide variety of year round leisure activities emphasizing personal growth, health, relaxation, cultural enrichment and education; and to beautify the City by maintaining parks and other City-owned property. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Director of Recreation who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Department. The Director appoints the Deputy Director of Recreation Department with the Mayor's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 635 Administrative Offices:
Water Board Building
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 310. RESERVED SEC. 320. TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: To provide safe, clean, reliable, efficient, multi-modal transportation services for the citizens of Detroit. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Director of Transportation Department who is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Director appoints the Deputy Director of Transportation Department with the Mayor's consent. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 1678 Administrative Offices:
1301 East Warren Avenue
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 330. WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT Summary of Departmental Purposes: To furnish and distribute a sufficient quantity of high potable water of adequate pressures to all customers of the service area. To treat combined sewage collected throughout the service area so that the treated effluent is in compliance with the requirements established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. THIS IS A CHARTER MANDATED DEPARTMENT. Administration: The Mayor appoints the seven member Board of Water Commissioners. Appointments are to four year terms and not more than two members' terms shall expire each year. The commission appoints the Director of Water and Sewerage Department and the Deputy Director of Water and Sewerage Department subject to Mayoral approval. The Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Director and Deputy serve at the pleasure of the Board. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 2659 Administrative Offices:
Water Board Building
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 340. RESERVED SEC. 350. DETROIT ZOOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Summary of Departmental Purposes: To acquire, preserve, reproduce and exhibit native and exotic animals for the education and recreational enjoyment of the community and for the preservation of wildlife. THIS IS A CHARTER MANDATED DEPARTMENT. Administration: The Mayor appoints the five members Zoological Parks Commission. Appointments are to four year terms and not more than two members' terms expire each year. The Commission appoints the Director of Zoological Parks and the Deputy Director Zoological Parks subject to Mayoral approval. The Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the department. The Director and Deputy serve at the pleasure of the Commission. Number of Employees on Departmental Payroll as of 4-1-94: 117 Administrative Offices:
Detroit Zoological Parks
Major Functional Areas:
Administrative Services
SEC. 360. SPECIAL AGENCIES This Section of the Executive Organization Plan contains special agencies or commissions. In addition to the departments established by the City Charter or by the Mayor, various other agencies exist from time to time. These agencies were established for a specific purpose by the Mayor through City Council Ordinance or Resolution. The creation of the Mayor's Task Force on Homelessness was announced in the Mayor's Budget Message on April 13, 1994. These agencies are included in various appropriations in the Executive Branch Budget. SEC. 370. BUTZEL FAMILY CENTER This agency operates and maintains a multi-service community center. The Centerhosts community group meetings, social services counselling, and recreational activities. The Center was formerly included in the Mayor's office; as a result of an action in Court, the Center is now included in the budget of the Recreation Department. Administration: The Mayor appoints the Director-Butzel Family Center and the Service Coordinator-Butzel Family Center. Number of Employees as of 4/1/94: 6 Administrative Offices:
7737 Kercheval
SEC. 380. DETROIT CABLE COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1984 City Code Sec. 9.5-2-5 This Commission represents the City of Detroit in any matters relating to cable communication systems within the City. The Commission monitors the franchisee's compliance with the Franchise Agreement and encourages governmental, educational and public access programming. As a result of Court action, the Commission is now included in the Public Information Department budget. Administration: The Commission has seven members: Four are appointed by the Mayor; three others are appointed by the Mayor from a four person list supplied by the City Council. The Commission appoints the Executive Director-Detroit Cable Communications Commission and the Deputy Director-Detroit Cable Communications Commission subject to the City Council's approval. The Commission also may appoint a staff. Number of Employees as of 4/1/94: 3 Administrative Offices:
Marquette Building
SEC. 390. MAYOR'S TASK FORCE ON HOMELESSNESS The mission of the Mayor's Task Force on Homelessness is to coordinate the City's programs and resources which are now present in various departments into a truly focused effort to address this continuing problem. The Task Force will prepare a Final Report of its recommendations by October 30, 1994. That Report, along with any interim reports, will be brought to the City Council for discussion, input, further suggestions and necessary action. The Task Force will consist of:
Others as appropriate. SEC. 393. OFFICE OF HOMELAND SECURITY The Detroit Office of Homeland Security is created which will allow the City of Detroit to ensure maximum coordination of all security-related operations, and focus the city's ability to attract the resources needed for our security needs as a border city. Address:
151 W. Fort St.
SEC. 397. RESERVED ADDENDA SEC. 400. STATUTORY AGENCIES There are certain other authorities and commissions which are not part of the executive branch of government of the City of Detroit. However, in some cases they assist in carrying out functions which would otherwise be carried on by the City of Detroit. In addition, their members are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Detroit. For this reason, they are included for informational purposes only. SEC. 410. CITY OF DETROIT BUILDING AUTHORITY MCLA Sec. 128.951 et seq. This Authority provides for the contracting of construction services for capital improvement projects to various City of Detroit departments; it also administers the maintenance of special commercial areas. Administration: The Authority is governed by a five member Board of Commissioners. The Mayor is the chairman of the Commission and appoints two members, one of which is subject to City Council approval. The City Council appoints two members of the Board. The Board appoints a General Manager and other staff. Number of Employees as of 4/1/94: 5 Administrative Offices:
Suite 2800
SEC. 420. DETROIT-WAYNE COUNTY JOINT BUILDING AUTHORITY MCLA 123.955a Although no executive appointments are involved, this Authority is significant because it owns, maintains and operates the City County Building. Administration: There is a three person Board of Building Authority. The City Council appoints one person; the Wayne County Board of Commissioners appoints a second member; the third member is jointly selected by the Commissioners and the Council. If the third member is not chosen within sixty (60) days of the selection of the second member, the Governor makes the appointment. Number of Employees as of 4/1/94: 83 Administrative Offices:
1316 City-County Building
MCLA 125.1651 Board consists of the Mayor and eight to twelve members. The Mayor appoints with City Council approval.
MCLA 125.1601 Nine member board appointed by the Mayor with City Council approval; the Mayor and a City Council member may serve. SEC. 460. DETROIT TRANSPORTATION CORPORATION (People Mover) MCLA 124.501 Six member Board: Four appointments by the Mayor; other two members are the President of City Council and the Chairman of SMART. SEC. 470. DETROIT RESOURCE RECOVERY AUTHORITY MCLA 123.311 Seven member Board: Six are ex officio city officials; seventh member is the Highland Park Director of Public Works. SEC. 480. NON-PROFIT CORPORATIONS SEC. 490. NORTHWEST ACTIVITIES CENTER (Northwest Community Programs, Inc.) Thirteen member Board: Six citizen mayoral appointments; seven are ex officio appointments. SEC. 500. MUSEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY Thirteen member Board: All are appointed by the Mayor. |