Latest version.
This table shows the location within this Code, either in the text or notes following the text of references to the Michigan Compiled Laws.
MCL Section Section
this Code5.3194(83) 18-10-13 8.3 1-1-2 10.31 Ch. 12(notes) 12.340(1) Ch. 24, Art. V(note) 15.231 10.5-3-4 14-5-3 14-9-29 15.231 et seq. Charter, § 2-112 15.231—15.246 9.5-5-4, 9.5-5-17 2-6-3 15.261 Charter, § 4-102 9.5-2-5, 9.5-3-29 19-1-22 15.261 et seq. Charter, § 2-112 14-5-3, 18-9-5 15.267 14-9-24 14-9-29 15.268 14-9-23 14-9-24 16-2-6, 16-2-11 15.310, et seq; 2-6-2, 2-6-31, 2-6-68 28.421 Ch. 38, Art. X(note) 28.422 38-10-2 28.601 et seq. 43-2-11 29.1 Ch. 19(note) 29.71 Ch. 5, Art. II(note) 29.81 Ch. 5, Art. II(note) 29.201 Ch. 28(note) 29.321 28-2-5 29.324 28-2-5 30.401 Ch. 12(notes) 30.401 et seq. 12-1-1, 12-1-4, 12-1-5 31.01 Ch. 12(notes) 35.401 13-6-22 37.1101 Ch. 27(note) 37.2101 Ch. 10(note)
Ch. 27(note)37.2103 27-1-2 37.2201 Ch. 27, Art. III(note)
27-1-237.2301 Ch. 27, Art. VI(note)
27-1-237.2401 Ch. 27, Art. V(note)
27-1-237.2501 Ch. 27, Art. IV(note)
27-1-237.2701 27-2-10 41.681 Ch. 57, Art. IV(note) 44.405 49-7-6 117.1 Part V 117.3 Adopting Ordinance, § 4 117.3 55-3-2 117.3(f) Ch. 4(note) 117.4i 1-1-9 117.4l 1-1-9 9-1-19 27-9-2 117.4l(2) 22-1-1 8.5-1-1, 8.5-2-1 22-1-1 117.4l(4) 1-1-9 117.4o 18-5-120 117.4q 1-1-9 8.5-1-1, 8.5-3-2 8.5-3-21, 22-1-1 9-1-19 22-2-91 117.4r 8.5-2-18 117.5b Adopting Ordinance, § 1
Ch. 2, Art. III,
Div. 2(note)
117.5c 13-2-18 117.4i 35.5-1-2, 35.5-1-3 117.27a Charter, § 3-108 14-9-2 117.41 55-1-31 117.51 18-12-120 18-12-127 18-12-141 18-12-145 123.361 Ch. 22, Art. II(note) 123.951 Ch. 14, Art. IV(note) 123.1261 42-3-1—
42-3-4124.151 Ch. 57, Art. IV(note) 125.1501 et seq. 3-7-1 125.2561 14-10-1, 14-10-2,
125.2681 et seq. 18-10-12.1 125.2683 18-10-2 125.2871 14-11-1, 14-11-2 125.71 Ch. 14(note)
Ch. 14, Art. VI(note),
14-6-9, 14-6-11,
14-6-12125.401 Ch. 26(note) 125.530 56-4-26 125.601 Ch. 14(notes) 125.651 Ch. 14(notes) 14-5-1 14-5-3 14-5-5 14-5-21 125.653 14-5-1 125.654 14-5-2 125.655 14-5-3 125.656 14-5-4 125.657 14-5-5 125.658 14-5-6 125.659 14-5-7 125.660 14-5-8 125.661 14-5-10 125.661A 14-5-10.1 125.662 14-5-11 125.663 14-5-12 125.664 14-5-13 125.665 14-5-14 125.675 14-5-15 125.677 14-5-16 125.685 14-5-17 125.692 14-5-9 125.694 14-5-18 125.741 Ch. 34, Art. II(note) 125.901 Ch. 14(notes) 125.1101 Ch. 34(note) 125.1352 39-4-4, 39-4-6 125.1401 et seq. 18-9-10, 18-9-11 125.1411(M) 18-9-13 125.1415(A)(1) 18-9-13 125.1501 Ch. 9(notes) 125.1504 9-1-3 9-1-35 9-1-109 9-1-309 9-1-373 9-1-405 9-1-444 9-1-464 9-1-475 125.1504b 44-2-1 125.1508b 9-2-2 9-2-3 125.1651 Ch. 14, Art. II(note) 125.1652 14-2-1 125.3101 et seq. Charter, § 4-201 125.3601 Charter, § 4-202 126.401 et seq. 9-1-35 126.1601 Ch. 14, Art. II(note) 131.1 Ch. 18(note) 141.501 Ch. 18, Art. X(note) 141.601 18-10-1 141.603—141.609 18-10-2 141.611 18-10-4 141.612—141.614 18-10-5 141.615—141.625 18-10-6 141.626 18-10-7 141.627 18-10-8 141.628 18-10-8 141.631 18-10-9 141.633 18-10-10 141.634 18-10-10 141.641—141.646 18-10-11 141.651—141.666 18-10-12 141.671 18-10-13, 18-10-14 141.672 18-10-15 141.673 18-10-13 141.674 18-10-16 141.681—141.689 18-10-17 141.691 18-10-18, 18-10-19
18-10-20141.692 18-10-21 141.693 18-10-22 141.694 18-10-23 141.695 18-10-24 141.699 18-10-25 141.801 Ch. 18, Art. XI(note) 141.821 18-11-1 141.822 18-11-2 141.823 18-11-3 141.824 18-11-4 141.825 18-11-4, 18-11-5 141.826 18-11-6 141.827 18-11-7 141.828 18-11-8 141.829 18-11-9 141.830 18-11-10 141.831 18-11-11 141.832 18-11-12 141.833 18-11-13 141.834 18-11-14 141.835 18-11-15 141.836 18-11-16 141.837 18-11-17 168.1 Ch. 15(note) 168.1 et seq. Charter, § 12-108 169.201 et seq. Charter, § 4-122 2-6-2, 2-6-33, 2-6-68 205.23 18-10-17 205.29 18-14-7 205.30 18-10-11 205.421 et seq. 3-6-4 205.422 3-6-2 205.501 Ch. 11(notes) 205.701 et seq. 18-12-133 205.701 18-10-22 206.2 18-12-135 206.504 18-10-9 211.1 Ch. 18, Art. IX(note) 18-12-136 211.1 et seq. 8.5-2-19, 18-9-122 211.1—211.157 35.5-1-35 211.2 18-9-1 211.18 18-9-4 211.27a 18-12-21 211.66 35.5-1-36 211.78 18-9-122 211.107 Ch. 18, Art. IX(note) 211.461 et seq. 2-1-11 211.741 Ch. 18, Art. XII(note) 211.741 et seq. 18-12-131 211.742 18-12-21 211.761 Ch. 18, Art. XII(note) 211.921 et seq. 18-9-112, 18-9-114 213.21 et seq. 16-1-1 213.51 16-1-1, 16-1-2,
213.51 et seq. 2-1-15 213.361 16-1-4 247.51 Ch. 57, Art. V(note) 247.61 Ch. 57, Art. V(note) 247.61 et seq. 57-5-1 247.61—247.72 57-5-1 247.232 57-2-12 247.235 3-1-1, 57-2-3 247.241 3-1-1, 57-2-3
57-2-5247.663 9.5-5-13 252.301 Ch. 3(note) 252.301 et seq. 3-6-4 254.252a et seq. 55-4-37 256.541 39-2-2 257.1 22-1-1, 36-1-4,
39-4-2, Ch. 55(note)257.1 et seq. 49-7-1 49-7-47 49-8-1 55-1-33 55-1-45 55-1-61 55-1-62 55-1-83 58-3-1 257.13d 58-3-1 257.25 58-5-36 257.206 55-1-73 257.209 55-1-73 257.228 55-1-62 55-1-64, 257.315 55-1-62 55-1-64 257.248b 49-7-1 49-8-2 257.252a 55-2-82 257.252d 55-2-85 55-2-86 257.252g 55-1-64 55-1-71 55-1-73 257.252m 35-2-82 257.606 55-1-61, 55-1-65, 55-4-1 257.605 Ch. 55(note) 55-4-1 257.606 Ch. 55(note) 257.610 Ch. 55(note) 257.625 55-3-2 257.727c 55-1-41 257.741 et seq. 55-1-45 257.742 55-1-41 257.743 55-1-41 257.803D 39-4-3 257.951 55-3-3 259.1 Ch. 4(note), 4-4-1 259.85 4-1-1 281.1001 Ch. 23, Art. II(note) 286.201 Ch. 57, Art. IV(note) 286.251 Ch. 57, Art. IV(note) 286.551 Ch. 24, Art. VI,
Ch. 24, Art. V(note)286.573 24-6-16 286.573(3) 24-6-18 287.231 Ch. 24, Art. IX(note) 287.261 Ch. 6, Art. II(note) 287.261 et seq. 6-2-1 287.289b 6-1-2, 6-1-5 287.289c 6-1-2, 6-1-5 287.290 Ch. 6(notes) 287.331 Ch. 6, Art. V(note) 287.331 et seq. 6-3-1 287.339a 6-3-4 287.651 et seq. 6-3-9 289.70 21-8-80 289.81 Ch. 21(note)
Ch. 21, Art. II(note)
21-2-2289.82 21-2-1 289.83 21-2-3 289.83a 21-2-4 289.251 Ch. 21, Art. IV(note) 289.261 Ch. 21, Art. IV(note) 289.271 Ch. 21, Art. IV(note) 289.581 Ch. 21, Art. IV(note) 289.701 Ch. 21, Art. III(note) 289.707 Ch. 21, Art. II(note) 289.716 Ch. 21, Art. II(note) 289.717 Ch. 21, Art. II(note) 289.1101 et seq. 40-1-24 41-2-1, 41-2-5 289.1107 et seq. 41-2-1 290.601 Ch. 59(note) 290.617 Ch. 59, Art. II(note) 299.601 et seq. 2-1-11 318.251 57-2-3 323.1 56-3-1, 56-3-5
56-3-57324.1101 et seq. 22-1-1, 22-2-85 324.8201 22-1-1 324.8901 9-1-3 22-1-1 324.10101 23-1-1 324.11501 et seq. 22-1-1 324.11503 9-1-3 22-1-1 324.11505 22-1-1 324.11506 9-1-3 49-7-1 324.11606 9-1-3 324.16901 et seq. 22-1-1 324.1609(k) 49-7-1 49-8-1 324.20101 et seq. 16-1-1 19-3-4 22-1-1 43-7-4 324.80101 23-1-1, 23-2-5 324.80101 et seq. 22-1, 40-2-4 325.291 Ch. 22, Art. II(note) 325.601 52-1-5 325.631 52-1-2 325.651 Ch. 34, Art. III(note) 325.801 Ch. 21, Art. III,
Div. 2(note)
Ch. 21, Art. IX,
Div. 2(note)327.101 Ch. 21, Art. IV(note) 330.1001 et seq. 3-6-2 331.1101 et seq 6-1-2 333.1101 et seq. 44-5-7 5-7-24, 5-13-26 333.1105 24-11-5 333.1201 et seq. 5-15-7 333.2422 24-11-3 333.2433 27-9-2 24-10-11 24-10-12 333.2441 24-11-12 333.2442 24-11-12 333.2461 24-11-14 333.2462 24-11-15 333.5451 et seq. 9-1-3 9-1-83 9-1-92 333.6103 33-3-31 333.6107 33-5-3 333.7104 23-1-1 333.7201 et seq.> 5-7-1 5-12-1 38-11-1 38-11-41 58-1-1 333.7201—333.7231 5-15-2 333.7301 et seq. 38-11-3 38-11-45 333.7401 et seq. 38-11-2 38-11-44 333.7401—333.7455 5-7-1, 30-1-1 333.7457 24-12-1, 38-11-21 333.12901 et seq. 5-7-1, 5-7-2 333.16101 et seq. 38-11-9, 38-11-32 333.20101 et seq. 3-6-2 335.301 23-2-35 338.1051 Ch. 43, Art. V(note)
43-5-1338.1851 Ch. 32(note) 339.101 et seq. 38-11-28 339.2401 41-6-1 380.1355 3-6-2 380.1561 44-5-5 393.502 18-10-9 397.182 3-6-2 397.201 Ch. 29(note) 399.201 Ch. 25, Art. II(note) 25-2-4 399.211 25-2-8 400.701 et seq. 3-6-2 400.701 et seq. 44-2-43, 44-2-44 408.551 et seq. 18-13-8 408.551 18-5-61 408.660 5-8-22, 5-8-32 408.666 5-8-34 409.1 33-3-9 418.101 43-4-4, 13-5-4 418.101 et seq. 12-1-10, 19-2-5 423.201 14-5-3 427.201 Ch. 44(note) 429.301 Ch. 24, Art. VII(note) 431.31 38-8-3 432.01 et seq. 10.5-1-1, 10.5-1-2, 10.5-3-4 432.1 Ch. 38, Art. VIII(note) 432.101 Ch. 38, Art. VIII(note) 432.101 et seq. 5-7-2, 5-7-3 5-15-7 432.201 5-7-2 432.201 18-6-4 432.201 et seq. 18-10-2, 18-14-1, 18-14-2, 18-14-5, 18-14-6, 18-14-10, 38-8-1, 46-1-6 432.212 18-14-1 432.213 18-14-1 432.218(2) 2-68 433.251 Ch. 24, Art. VI(note)
Ch. 24, Art. VI,
Div. 3(note)434.21 et seq. 58-2-17 434.181 55-2-8 436.1 Ch. 33, Art. V(note) 436.1 et seq. 3-6-4 436.2 38-1-13 436.17 30-1-17 436.33 3-6-2, 33-5-1 436.33a 33-5-2 436.33b 33-5-3 436.33c 33-5-4 436.201 5-7-2 436.1101 et seq. 5-7-2, 5-7-3 436.1107 5-7-1 436.1501 30-2-2 436.1915 5-3-2 436.2113 5-7-5 440.2328 Ch. 7(notes) 440.9101 et seq. 18-6-5 442.211 Ch. 48(note) 443.50 35-4-4 445.371 Ch. 41, Art. III(note) 445.401 Ch. 49, Art. IV(note)
Ch. 49, Art. VII(note)445.403 49-7-1 445.471 Ch. 49, Art. IV(note)
Ch. 49, Art. V(note)
Ch. 49, Art. VII(note)445.501 Ch. 49, Art. VI,
Div. 2(note)445.551 Ch. 49, Art. III(note) 445.801 Ch. 3, Art. III(note)
3-3-1445.802 3-3-4 445.481—445.492 49-3-18 446.26 Ch. 7(notes) 446.201 Ch. 49, Art. V(note) 446.201—446.219 49-5-25.5 450.2101 18-5-120 475.1 Ch. 58(note) 484.4 9.5-5-3 484.301 Ch. 38, Art. XIII(note) 484.2102 9.5-5-1 484.2251 9.5-5-4 554.139(2) 26-7-4 559.101 Ch. 26, Art. VI(note)
26-6-1, 26-6-2
26-6-6560.101 Ch. 51(note)
51-1-1, 51-1-2560.102 51-1-2 560.104 51-2-4 560.107 51-2-1 560.111—560.120 51-1-2, 51-2-2 560.112—560.118 51-2-2 560.112—560.119 51-2-2 560.112(4) 51-2-2 560.118 51-2-3 560.120 51-2-2 560.125 51-1-3 560.131—560.173 51-1-2, 51-2-3 560.142 51-2-4 560.148(4) 51-2-4 560.186(d) 51-2-3 560.196 51-2-2 560.258 51-1-6 560.263 51-2-7 600.1 et seq. 13-2-18 600.2916 Ch. 24, Art. V(note) 600.3135 14-11-5 600.3252 14-11-5 600.4001 et seq. 8.5-2-18, 35.5-1-35 55-1-81 600.5701 26-6-5 600.5741 26-7-4 600.6001 55-1-81 600.6001 et seq. 8.5-2-18, 35.5-1-35 600.6031 et seq. 22-1-32 600.6032 21-1-32 600.6041 22-1-32 600.6042 22-1-32 600.6044 et seq. 22-1-32 600.8395 55-1-16 600.8396 22-1-1, 35.5-1-1, 35.5-2-1, 35.5-2-4 600.8701 et seq. 1-1-9, 35.5-1-32 600.8707 22-1-1, 35.5-1-1 600.8715 22-1-1, 35.5-1-1 600.8719 22-1-1, 35.5-1-1 600.8721 22-1-1, 35.5-1-1 600.8727 35.5-1-35 600.8731 8.5-2-19, 35.5-1-36 691.1401 Ch. 2, Art. IV,
Div. 2(note)691.1404 2-4-23 710.21 3-6-2 712A.2 33-6-1 722.641 Ch. 11, Art. III(note) 722.641 et seq. 3-6-2 722.651 Ch. 11, Art. III(note) 722.751 Ch. 33, Art. III(note) 750.5 27-9-2 39-5-1 750.33 Ch. 3(note
Ch. 3, Art. III(note)
3-3-1, 3-3-4750.49 Ch. 6(note)
6-2-1750.81—750.90c 5-7-1, 5-15-2 30-1-1 750.116 38-4-10 750.118 2-6-3, 2-6-8 750.135 et seq. 5-10-26, 5-12-25 750.135—750.145c 44-5-3, 44-5-15
750.142—750.145c 5-7-1, 5-15-2 30-1-1 750.167 38-1-1, 38-1-3 750.169 38-5-2 750.215 38-2-1 750.222 Ch. 38, Art. X(note) 750.232 38-10-3 750.240 Ch. 19(note) 750.301 Ch. 38, Art. VIII(note) 750.338—750.338b 5-7-1, 5-15-2 30-1-1 750.355a 5-7-1, 5-15-2, 30-1-1 750.370 38-3-3 750.377a 38-4-4 750.378 38-4-6 750.411a 38-2-4 750.411h—750.411i 5-7-1, 5-15-2 750.419 55-4-16 750.448—750.462 5-7-1, 5-15-2 750.476 38-1-9 750.479 38-2-2 750.493d 38-6-1 750.502c 38-1-8, 40-4-9 750.509 38-2-4 750.520b—750.520e 5-7-1, 5-15-2 30-1-1 750.539 38-3-2 750.546 38-4-1 752.51 Ch. 55, Art. XII,
Div. 2(note)752.91 Ch. 6, Art. IV(note) 752.271 38-12-4 752.365 5-7-1, 5-15-2 30-1-1 752.525 38-5-2 752.861 38-10-8 769.1a 55-1-72 780.655 22-2-88.3 791.265 9-1-3 803.301 et seq. 3-6-2