§ 13-8-34. Chairman and other officers.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Chairman. The board shall elect from its own members a chairman.


    Secretary. The executive secretary of the retirement system, established by title IX, chapter VI of the 1918 City Charter, shall be secretary of the board and the administrative officer of the plan. The board shall employ such professional and clerical services as shall be required in the proper operation of the plan. The compensation for such services shall be fixed by the board subject to the approval of the council.


    Legal advisor. The corporation counsel, ex-officio, or his representative, shall be legal advisor to the board.


    Actuary. The board shall designate an actuary who shall be the technical advisor to the board and who shall perform such other duties as are required in connection with the operation of the plan on an actuarial basis.


    Treasurer. The city treasurer shall be treasurer of the plan and the custodian of its funds. All payments from the funds of the plan shall be made by the city treasurer only upon regular city vouchers. No voucher shall be drawn unless it shall have been previously authorized by resolution adopted by the board.

(Charter 1918, T-IX, C-VIII, § 6)